Inversion 反向思考

In the context of decision-making, inversion involves considering the opposite or negative outcomes of a decision before making a choice. This helps in identifying potential pitfalls or risks and making more informed decisions. Inversion is a valuable skill that can be applied in various aspects of life, such as personal relationships, business, and problem-solving.

The Map is Not the Territory 地图不是地形本身


Circle of Competence 能力圈

“能力”一词是指有效或高效地做某事的能力或技能。 它还可以指执行特定任务或工作所需的知识或专业知识。 在专业背景下,可以通过评估或认证来评估能力。

First Principles 第一性原理

a philosophical concept that suggests breaking down complex problems or ideas into fundamental principles or basic truths. It involves reasoning from these foundational principles to understand and solve problems.

Occam’s Razor 奥卡姆剃刀(简约法则)

a principle that suggests that the simplest explanation or solution is usually the correct one. It is a problem-solving principle and a heuristic tool used in various fields, including science, philosophy, and problem-solving.

Influence 影响力 1/6 Reciprocity 互惠(反作用力)

A social norm that is based on the idea of giving and receiving in equal measure. In the context of social psychology, reciprocity is often studied as a principle of influence, where people feel obligated to reciprocate when someone does something for them. This principle is often used in marketing and sales, where businesses offer free samples or gifts in the hope that customers will feel obliged to make a purchase in return.


The Second Law of Thermodynamics states that the total entropy of an isolated system can never decrease over time, and that spontaneous processes always lead to an increase in entropy.

Evolution 进化论

Evolution is the process of change in all forms of life over generations, leading to the diversity of species we see today.


Survivorship bias is a cognitive bias that occurs when we focus on the individuals or things that have "survived" a particular process or experience, while ignoring those that did not. It leads to an overestimation of success or a skewed understanding of a situation because we only consider the successes or survivors.

Relativity 相对论

The theory of relativity, formulated by Albert Einstein, is a scientific theory that describes the laws of physics for objects moving at a constant speed in inertial frames of reference.

Second-order Thinking 二阶思维

Almost everyone can anticipate the immediate results of their actions. This type of first-order thinking is easy and safe, but it’s also a way to ensure you get the same results that everyone else gets. Second-order thinking is thinking farther ahead and thinking holistically. It requires us to consider not only our actions and their immediate consequences but the subsequent effects of those actions as well. Failing to consider the second and third-order effects can unleash disaster.

混迹过大厂拧螺丝,加入过天使轮初创公司,以COO身份管理国内外业务和供应链百余人,创业三年活了下来,年过三十而未立,送自己一份礼物,搭建一份网站以建立知识体系和个人思考。既然无法快速暴富,那就聚焦长线收益,选择复利能有丰厚回报的项目,一点点积累起来吧~ 👊💪
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Oct 23, 2023